Thoughs for 2019.
Not setting any major goals or anything cause let's be honest, if life continues the way it is it's already pretty awesome! Anyway, these are some of the things that are going through my mind for 2019.
Start a swim class.
this one has been on hold from last september. Starting it today!
this year I'm going Americana again (jeez I do love that land). I'll be visiting quite a few cities/states!
Continue blogging.
On september last there was a shift on my blog. It became less 'professional' and more me. Since blogging really is a passion, I wanna continue doing it throughout the year. Quite frankly thinking of planned posts really freaks me out these days. I like to think of blogging as taking my camera with me around, shoot whatever I feel like and share whatever feels right to me.
Reduce wardrobe (a lot!).
Ok this one was a goal for last year already, and I did reduce my buying/wardrobe, but guess what..old habbits die hard! I realize more and more that with loads of pieces all you get is chaos and you actually loose a bit your identity. I know what I like and I'm finding myself with less and less need of buying.
(?) hair don't care.
Still don't really know what, but I wanna do something with my hair. Maybe shorter is the way to go...